[Earthshine on crescent moon]
Joseph Mancuso

Welcome to my piece of the sky.

[Ursa Minor ISMAP]

Explore - no guarantees.

[Star] Observations

- a brief summary -

Rather than find time to describe myself and my interests online, this page has become a center of reference from which the curious can find out what I'm about. I figure that's at least just as good.

This page is very much under constant revision. Certain areas, like the ISMAP above and the lists of links below, will likely be growing and changing indefinitely, so do drop by now and then and check it out.

The ISMAP above is finally full - every star (or small group in the case of very close neighbors) goes somewhere. Only 4 go to the "Unexplored Star Page"; if you can find all 4 without cheating, you're an exploring vet. Don't stop there, though... they're always changing!

I hope you enjoy exploring and stop by now and then to see what's new. Feedback is welcome, just get in touch with me. Please let me know of any errors. More as I get to it.

Oh, and please feel free to peruse the Guestbook, which I maintain on my ERIM account. You can also add your own entry directly from here... feel free.

For those more professionally curious, a text version of my current resume is available. A PostScript version is also available for the so enabled.

[Star] Right Ascension & Declination

This is the area containing connections to other areas of the sky. Those here are pages I maintain, groups and projects I was/am involved with, and friends with pages. The Beyond the Lattitude section handles the larger bookmark list. Feedback is always welcome.

[Small star] Within the constellation...

[Small star] Circumpolar positions...

[Small star] Beyond the Lattitude...

This section lists other locations on the web I wanted to keep a record of online. The categories, descriptions and ratings on the page should help you find the cool stuff.

[Star] Neighboring Stars

- a partial listing loosely grouped by constellation and declination -
Justyna Czarnecki
French/CIS major, speaker of many languages, info-tech explorer, runner; beloved and good friend.
Dave Morris
Rocket scientist, fellow engineer, ham, gamer, etc.; cool guy, old friend.
Dann Fuller
Technicolor wizard in a technological world; radio pal, Dad to Bunkin, also old friend.
Peter Rabinowitz
Psychology grad, go player, hypernumerously talented; deep guy, Arizona companion, brother, Strider.
Jeff Rogers
Computer engineer, musician, photographer, thoughtful spirit; oldest friend, kindred, Diversion.
Mike Torricelli
Civil engineer gone LSA, fellow Eagle Scout, changin' the world; the big guy, Paesan.
Brian Miller
Computer-type dude, fellow Physics of Music alumnus, football strategist; the Citrus Commando.
Craig Wesbrook
The Doctor.
James "Gino" McKenzie
Dweller of the Blazing Desert Planet of Phoenix; budding net deity, percussionist extraordinaire, RoboRally champ and good friend.
Mark Stock
THE man. Engineer extraordinaire, comp whiz, HTML God, graphics maniac... and a kick-butt ultimate player, to boot; what a guy!
Markus Nee
Ultimately cool guy. Engineer, filmmaker, musician, you name it. Mark's partner in crime, and, more recently, mine as well.
Marc Renouf
Martial arts afficionado, roleplaying and sourcework enthusiast and fellow ERIM engineer, among many other things; old friend and many-time accomplice. WARNING: His page is so under-construction, you may not believe it.
The Corr Connection
The connection here is Kevin aka "Nevik" Roc-- er, Corr, long-time gaming pal and now master of the open seas!
Dan Shauver
Self-proclaimed redneck, marching band vet and engineering alum; good cook, kind friend.
Jennifer Bowen Shauver
Biologist, gamer, artist, and enthusiast of other zests for life, ElfQuest and Amber fan; Dan's wife and cool gal.
Dylan Morris
The newest addition to the Morris clan, Dylan is Dave's new nephew, the son of his brother Dan and his wife Jen (Dan's wife, not Dave's); a young guy to have his own page!
Paul Schuster
Driftwood host and engineering alum - once housemate to Dave - cool guy with cool gotee.
Len Smith
Brother hunter of sorts, madman of the go-cart world, ski world, motorcycle world...; fellow Math 419 survivor and bureaucracy expatriate.
Gary "Gerry" Ciarkowski
Hobbit. Not a hobbit FAN, the real thing. Hairy toes and all...
Pran Mukherjee
Fellow web fan, UM engineer and ERIM employee; the weird guy.
Julie Raybon
Gamer extradordinaire, garbmaker, magus, antropologist; friend indeed.
Emily K. Dresner
Imagine a mildly psychotic cyber-racoon firmly addicted to caffiene and fluent in several high-datarate forms of auditory communication.
Chris Dwan
Bass. All bass. Fellow founding alum of The Gentlemen and ERIM guy; he is at peace.
Nico Angleys
ResComp guru and very cool guy; neighbor for the last of my college years.
Jason Larke
Uber. Follow, and he will gladly speak for himself.
Merrie Haskel
Mistress of Amber (my first and only GM), craftswoman and banshee of hardcore rock 'n' reel.
Kim Dillon
Tough to describe... she's just always around for the fun stuff. :)
Joe Velez
Just IMPOSSIBLE to describe. Sort of like Yoda, John Cleese and U-249 all in one...
Eric Larmouth
Advocate of peace through superior firepower and free Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters all around.
Brandon Hafeli
TMBG fan, worms warrior professional, resident for a bit; fellow improvver.
Alex van der Kleut
The man from Pennsylvania. Y'just don't need to say more than that.
Dan Winningham
Known best to me as the curios-shop owner Tobias, I just know him as a cool and downright friendly guy. He also helps take good care of Em.
Jeff Balcerski
Marching band dude, UNIX/game programmer, alien fan; runs "The Random Imagination Node"
Amitaabh Malhotra
Project partner in the LAST SCHOOLWORK EVER for my Master's; car fan, free-ice-cream man, image processing guru.
James Huth
ALSO project partner in the LAST SCHOOLWORK EVER; EE Systems grad student, driving photographer, much more fun than he lets on (he's sneaky).

[Star] Reaching Out

How to get in touch with me in the "real world".

Drop me a line via e-mail to reliably get in touch with me. My e-mail address, mancuso@umich.edu is more reliable than my actual address, but if you'd like to reach me in any other way, I defer you to my entry in the U of M x500 Directory for phone and snailmail addresses.

Last modified 20 July 1998
